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Mine, Yours, Hers, Theirs | अपना, अपनी, अपने और का, के, की

In the last lesson we learned about, 'My, Our, Your, His, Her, Its & His'. In this section we will now understand about,'Mine, Yours, Hers and Theirs'. These are Absolute Possessive Pronoun. Take a look at the table below:

पिछले लेसन में हमने My, Our, Your, His, Her, Its & Their के बारे में जाना है। इसी कड़ी में अब हम Mine, Yours, Hers और Theirs के बारे में समझते हैं। ये absolute Possessive Pronoun हैं। नीचे तालिका देखें :

Types of Pronoun Singular एकवचन Plural बहुवचन
First Person
Personal subject I मैं we हम
Possessive Pronoun my मेरा, मेरी,
our हमारा, हमारी,
Absolute Possessive Pronoun mine ours
Second Person
Personal subject you तुम you तुम
Possessive Pronoun your तुम्हारा, तुम्हारी,
your तुम्हारा, तुम्हारी,
Absolute Possessive Pronoun yours yours

Types of Pronoun Singular एकवचन Plural बहुवचन
Third Person Male
Personal subject he वह they वे
Possessive Pronoun his उसका, उसकी,
their उनका, उनकी,
Absolute Possessive Pronoun his theirs
Third Person Female
Personal subject she वह they वे
Possessive Pronoun her उसका, उसकी,
उसके (स्त्रीलिंग)
their उनका, उनकी,
Absolute Possessive Pronoun hers theirs
Third Person Neutral
Personal subject It यह they वे
Possessive Pronoun its इसका, इसकी, इसके, उसका, उसकी, उसके their इनका, इनकी, इनके, उनका, उनकी, उनके
Absolute Possessive Pronoun its theirs

उपर दी गयी तालिका से स्पष्ट है की Possessive Pronoun और Absolute Possessive Pronoun का अर्थ एक ही है परंतु वाक्यों की बनावट अलग हो जाती है।

It is clear from the table above that the meaning of Possessive Pronoun and Absolute Possessive Pronoun is the same but the structure of sentences is different.

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