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The Noun - संज्ञा

Composition of Compound Noun

Composition of Noun Examples
Noun plus Noun chairman, cowboy
Noun plus Verb bullfight, sidewalk
Noun plus Adjective mouthful, housetop
Adjective plus Noun black board, ponytail
Adjective plus Verb highlight, hardwork
Preposition plus Noun underground, underworld
Preposition plus Verb outlook, overthrow
Verb plus Preposition check-in, lookout
Verb plus Noun breakfast, watchword
Verb + Ing plus Noun washing machine, swimming costume

The Noun : Gender

Gender संज्ञा के लिंग के बारे में बताता है। लिंग को चार भागों में बांटा जा सकता है:
1) पुर्ल्लिंग (2) स्त्रीलिंग (3) समान लिंग (4) नपुंसक लिंग

The Noun-Gender depicts about the sex of the noun. Gender can be divided into four parts:
(1) Masculine Gender (2) Feminine Gender (3) Common Gender (4) Neutral Gender

Masculine Gender - पुर्ल्लिंग
ऐसे Noun जो male सेक्स को व्यक्त करते हैं पुर्ल्लिंग कहलाते हैं जैसे boy, lion, dog, king, father। Nouns which refer to male sex are called Masculine Gender. e.g. boy, lion, dog, king, father.
Feminine Gender - स्त्रीलिंग
ऐसे Noun जो female सेक्स को व्यक्त करते हैं स्त्रीलिंग कहलाते हैं जैसे girl, lioness, bitch, queen, mother। Nouns which refer to female sex are called Feminine Gender. e.g. girl, lioness, bitch, queen, mother.
Common Gender - समान लिंग
ऐसे Noun जो दोनो male और female को व्यक्त करे समान लिंग कहलाते हैं जैसे Baby, child, friend, servant, student, teacher। Nouns which can be referred to both male and female are called Common Gender. e.g. Baby, child, friend, servant, student, teacher.
Neutral Gender - नपूंसक लिंग
ऐसे Noun जो उस जाति के सदस्य को व्यक्त करते हैं जो ना तो male है और ना ही female है, नपुंसक लिंग कहलाते हैं। Nouns which refer to a member of species which is neither male nor female are called Neutral Gender. e.g. Book, chair, table, car, school, star, tree.

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