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The Participle

Dangling or Unattached or Unrelated or Misrelated Participle


Sentence Noun/Pronoun - Participle Correct with Noun/Pronoun Participle वाक्य
Being a stormy day, I could not view clearly. Noun/Pronoun missing with Participle "Being" It being a stormy day, I could not view clearly. तूफ़ानी दिन होने के कारण मैं स्पष्ट नही देख सका।
Hearing yesterday night, I got surprised. Noun/Pronoun missing with Participle "Hearing " Hearing the sound yesterday night, I got surprised. कल रात को आवाज सुनकर मैं चकित हो गया।
Waiting for a bus, a dog bit me. Noun/Pronoun missing with Participle "Waiting " When I was waiting for a bus, a dog bit me. जब मैं बस का इंतजार कर रहा था, एक कुत्ते ने मुझे काट लिया।
Sleeping in my room, a nurse came to check the temperature. The Subject is missing in Ist part While I was sleeping in my room, a nurse came to check the temperature. जिस दौरान मैं अपने कमरे में सो रहा था, एक नर्स तापमान देखने के लिये अंदर आई।
Standing near the gate, a scooter hit her. The Subject is missing in Ist part While she was standing near the gate, a scooter hit her. जिस दौरान वह गेट के पास खड़ी थी, एक स्कुटर ने उसे टक्कर मार दी।
Digging in his courtyard, Amit collected many gold coins. The Subject of both parts is same, the use of Participle is correct Digging in his courtyard, Amit collected many gold coins. अपने बरामदे में खोदते हुए अमित ने कई सोने के सिक्के एकत्र किए।
Digging in his courtyard, a scorpion stung him. The Subject of both parts is same, the use of Participle is correct While Amit was digging in his courtyard, a scorpion stung him. जिस दौरान अमित अपने बरामदे में खोद रहा था, तब एक बिच्छु ने उसे डंक मारा।

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