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Multiple Choice Quiz : Adjectives

Please tick the correct answer and click on the "CheckAnswer" button (given below) to see your result. If the ticked answer is correct, the colour of the answer will become GREEN. If the ticked answer is incorrect, the colour will turn RED, and the colour of the correct answer will change to a PURPLE colour.

कृपया सही उत्तर पर टिक करें और अपना परिणाम देखने के लिए "CheckAnswer" बटन (नीचे दिया गया है) पर क्लिक करें। यदि टिक किया उत्तर सही है, तो उत्तर का रंग GREEN हो जाएगा। यदि टिक किया उत्तर गलत है, तो रंग RED हो जाएगा, और सही उत्तर का रंग PURPLE रंग में बदल जाएगा।


Tick the correct sentence.

Q21Which sentence is correct?

:I booked four tickets for Indore.
:I booked tickets four for Indore.

Q22 Which sentence is correct?

:She has no any goggles.
:She has no goggles.

Q23Which sentence is correct?

:None of these two books are mine.
:Neither of these two books are mine.

Q24Which sentence is correct?

:I have put a little sugar in tea.
:I have put little sugar in tea.

Q25 Which sentence is correct?

:Only few members have cast their votes.
:Only a few members have cast their votes.


Q26Which sentence is correct?

:Every boy in the class was given the circular.
:Each boy in the class was given the circular.

Q27Which sentence is correct?

:Every of the teachers was happy.
:Each of the teachers was happy.

Q28Which sentence is correct?

:She calls her daughter every four hour.
:She calls her daughter every four hours.

Q29Which sentence is correct?

:Every member of the association was clapping on her success.
:Each member of the association was clapping on her success.

Q30Which sentence is correct?

:We watch our favourite serial on every Sunday.
:We watch our favourite serial on each Sunday.

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