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Multiple Choice Quiz : Future Perfect Tense

Please tick the correct answer and click on the "CheckAnswer" button (given below) to see your result. If the ticked answer is correct, the colour of the answer will become GREEN. If the ticked answer is incorrect, the colour will turn RED, and the colour of the correct answer will change to a PURPLE colour.

कृपया सही उत्तर पर टिक करें और अपना परिणाम देखने के लिए "CheckAnswer" बटन (नीचे दिया गया है) पर क्लिक करें। यदि टिक किया उत्तर सही है, तो उत्तर का रंग GREEN हो जाएगा। यदि टिक किया उत्तर गलत है, तो रंग RED हो जाएगा, और सही उत्तर का रंग PURPLE रंग में बदल जाएगा।


Q11Which sentence is correct?

:I will have left by six o'clock.
:I will left by six o'clock
:I will have leaved by six o'clock
:I have left by six o'clock.

Q12 Which sentence is correct?

:Will he have reached the station in time.
:Will he has reached the station in time?
:Will he have reached the station in time?
:Will he have reach the station in time?

Q13Which sentence is correct?

:The principal will have inspected my class by now.
:The principal will be inspected my class by now.
:The principal is inspected my class by now.
:The principal will have inspection my class by now.

Q14Which sentence is correct?

:Rajan will have finished his homework by evening.
:Rajan will finished his homework by evening.
:Rajan will have finish his homework by evening.
:Rajan will have been finished his homework by evening.

Q15 Which sentence is correct?

:I will not have reach my office by 9 o'clock.
:I will have not reached my office by 9 o'clock.
:I will not reached my office by 9 o'clock.
:I will not have reached my office by 9 o'clock.


Q16Which sentence is correct?

:Will he have repaired my bike by tomorrow noon?
:Will he have repaired my bike by tomorrow noon.
:Will he has repaired my bike by tomorrow noon?
:Will he be repairing my bike by tomorrow noon?

Q17Which sentence is correct?

:Will the boys have made their project by 9 P.M.?
:Will the boys have make their project by 9 P.M.?
:Will the boys have made their project at 9 P.M.?
:Will the boy has made his project by 9 P.M.?

Q18Which sentence is correct?

:She will have tasted all the dishes by now.
:She had tasted all the dishes by then.
:She is tasting all the dishes now.
:All the three are correct.

Q19Which sentence is correct?

:Will she have gone to Agra to see Tajmahal?
:Will she has gone to Agra to see Tajmahal?
:Will she have go to Agra to see Tajmahal?
:Will she have went to Agra to see Tajmahal?

Q20Which sentence is correct?

:Will the order of her transfer had come by tomorrow?
:Will the order of her transfer will come by tomorrow?
:Will the order of her transfer has come by tomorrow?
:Will the order of her transfer have come by tomorrow?

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