Index of
List of One Word Substitution
One word can often express the idea of a phrase or a clause and can help in writing or communicating precisely. List of some common one-word substitutions are given below. Please learn it to improve your word power.
एक शब्द कभी कभी पूरे वाक्यांश या वाक्य को व्यक्त कर सकता है। कुछ ऐसे कॉमन शब्द नीचे दिये हैं। प्रभावशाली इंग्लिश बोलने और समझने के लिये इनकी जानकारी आवश्यक है।
हर शब्द का अर्थ आपकी सुविधा के लिये सिंपल इंग्लिश और हिन्दी में दिया हुआ है।
Words Start with >> T-Z
Word | Meaning | अर्थ |
Teetotaler | One who does not take alcoholic drinks | पूर्णतया मद्यत्यागी, शराब ना पीने वाला |
Telltale | One who enjoy talking about others private affairs | चुगलखोर, भेद खोलने वाला |
Terminus | Station at the end of a route. | आखिरी स्थान, अंतिम स्टेशन |
Theist | One who believes in God | आस्तिक, ईश्वरवादी |
Thermometer | An instrument for measuring temperature. | गर्मी-सर्दी नापने का यंत्र |
Tragedy | A writing or event which end in death or great sorrow. | त्रासदी, दुर्भाग्यपूर्ण घटना |
Translucent | That through which light can partly pass | परभासी, जिसके बीच से लाइट पार ना जा सके |
Transmigration | Passing of soul from one body to another after death | देहांतरण, जन्मान्तर |
Transparent | That through which light can pass | पारदर्शी, स्पष्ट |
Tripod | Having three legs. | तिपाई, तीन पैर वाला |
Truant | A student left school or class without permission | बिना अनुमति लिये अनुपस्थित |
Truism | An often repeated truth | स्वयं सिद्ध |
Trust | Confidence reposed in a person by making them nominal owner, a firm belief in someone. | भरोसा करना, आशा करना |
Turncoat | One who changes sides | गिरगिट, विश्वासघाती |
Twins | Two children born together. | जुड़वाँ |
Word | Meaning | अर्थ |
Ubiquitous | Found or present everywhere. | सर्वव्यापी, देशव्यापी |
Unanimous | All of one mind, fully in agreement. | एकमत, सर्वसम्मत, एकचित |
Unavoidable | Incapable of being avoided. | जिसे टाला ना जा सके, अपरिहार्य, अनिवार्य |
Unilateral | Decision taken by one side only. | एकतरफा, एकपक्षिक |
Universal | Belonging to all parts of the world. | असीम, सम्पूर्ण, व्यापक |
Up-to-date | Having information till today. | आधुनिकटतम, नवीनतम |
Usurer | One who lends money at higher rate of interest | सूदखोर |
Utopia | A state of highest perfection | आदर्श लोक, राम राज्य |
Uxoricide | Murder of wife | पत्नी की हत्या, पत्नी का हत्यारा |
Valetudinarian | One who always thinks himself to be ill | बीमार, जो अपने आपको हमेशा बीमार समझता हो. |
Vandal | One who damages public property | तोड़ फोड़ करने वाला, सत्यानाशी, बर्बर |
Vegetarian | One who takes plant based diet and eats no meat or fish. | शाकाहारी |
Venial | A pardonable offense | क्षम्य, क्षमा योग्य अपराध |
Ventriloquist | A person who can make his voice appear to come from somewhere else. | तरह तरह की आवाज निकाल सकने वाला, पेट बोला |
Word | Meaning | अर्थ |
Verbatim | Repetition of word by word | लफज-ब-लफज, शब्दशः |
verbose | Expressing in more words than are needed. | शब्द-आडंबरपूर्ण, |
Vertebrate | Animals having spinal column. | रीढ़धारी |
Vesper | Evening prayer in a church | गिरजाघर में सांयकाल की प्रार्थना |
Veteran | Somebody who is considerably experienced in something | अनुभवी |
Volunteer | One who works for free | स्वयं सेवक |
Wardrobe | An almirah where clothes are kept | अलमारी, वस्त्रागार |
Weather-cock | A cock-shaped indicator on the building top to show the direction of air. | मौसम बताने वाला यंत्र |
Widow | A woman whose husband is dead. | विधवा, बेवा |
Widower | A man whose wife has died | विधुर |
Wireless or Radio | Method of sending messages without the help of wires. | बिना तार का संदेश संप्रेषण |
Zodiac | A belt of the heavenly bodies divided into equal signs. | राशि चक्र, ज्योतिष चक्र |
Zoo | A place where birds and animals are kept. | चिड़ियाघर, जन्तुशाला |
Zoology | A study of animals | जन्तु विज्ञान, प्राणी विज्ञान, जीव विज्ञान |
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