Index of
ELC-34th Day
Condition Type-2
(2) State of Possession...Imagination...अगर मेरे पास ये होता तो मैं वो कर देता
Rule: [If + Subject + had + Object], [Subject + Would/Could + Verb (1st form) + Object]
Note: 'Were' will come with all Subjects irrespective of their 1st/2nd/3rd Person and singular/plural Number.
Let's look at the examples:
अगर मेरे पास कार होती, तो मैं आपको दे देता। | If I had a car, I would give it to you. |
अगर पापा के पास पैसे होते, तो वह मुझे जरूर देते। | If papa had money, he would surely give to me. |
यदि उनके कब्ज़े में मूल पावर ऑफ अटॉर्नी होती, तो वे मुझे सूचित कर देते। | If they had original power of attorney in their custody, they would give it to me. |
अगर चोर पुलिस की हिरासत में होता तो वे उसकी पिटाई कर रहे होते। | If the police had a thief in their custody, they would be beating him. |
अगर उनके बैंक खाते में दस लाख रुपये होते, तो वे इसे जरूरतमंद लोगों को वितरित कर देते। | If he had ten lakh rupees in his bank account, he would have distributed it to the needy people. |
अगर मेरे पास एक कैमरा होता, तो मैं उसके एकल नृत्य प्रदर्शन को रिकॉर्ड कर रहा होता। | If I had a camera, I would be recording her solo dance performance. |
अगर मेरे पास उसके कार्यालय तक पहुँच होती, तो इस समय मैं उसके साथ चाय पी रहा होता | If I had access to her office, I would be taking tea with him at this time. |
अगर मेरे पास दो हेलमेट होते, तो मैं आपको एक दे पाता। | If I had two helmets, I could give one to you. |
(3) Some Action...Imagination...ये हो जाता / वो हो जाता, तो मैं...
Rule: [If + Subject + Verb (2nd form) + Object], [Subject + Would/Could + Verb (1st form) + Object]
Let's look at the examples:
अगर मैं हांगकांग जाता, तो मैं डिज़्नीलैंड ज़रूर घूमता। | If I went to Hong Kong, I would definitely roam Disneyland |
अगर वह मेरी बात मानती तो मैं उसे असली कहानी सुनाता। | If she believed me, I would tell her the real story. |
अगर वह हमारे साथ आता, तो हम उसका सारा खर्च उठाते। | If he came with us, we would bear all his expenses. |
यदि काव्या बहस में भाग लेती, तो उसका शिक्षक उसे पुरस्कृत करता। | If Kavya participated in the debate, her teacher would reward her. |
अगर आप राजनीति के बारे में बोलते, तो मैं आपका समर्थन नहीं करता। | If you spoke about politics, I would not support you. |
अगर गिलहरी मेरे पास आती, तो मैं उसे मूंगफली दे पाता। | If the squirrel came to me, I could give her peanuts. |
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