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Passive Voice of Imperative Sentences

वह वाक्य जो आज्ञा देता है, आदेश जारी करता है, अनुरोध करता है, सलाह देता है, सुझाव देता है या इच्छा व्यक्त करता है उसे आदेशात्मक (Imperative) वाक्य कहा जाता है। The sentence that gives a command, issues an order, requests, advises, makes suggestions or expresses wishes is called an imperative sentence.
इम्पीरियल वाक्यों की अलग-अलग अभिव्यक्तियाँ होती हैं - आज्ञा, प्रार्थना, सुझाव, सलाह आदि। अपनी पैसिव वॉइस बनाने में, वाक्य में प्रयुक्त भावों के अनुसार अलग-अलग शब्दों का प्रयोग किया जाता है। Imperative sentences have different expressions - commands, orders, requests, suggestions, advice etc. In making their Passive Voice, different words are used along with the subject according to the expressions used in the sentence.

Depending on the expressions used, the Imperative Sentence may be of the following types:

Sentences Containing Command
Sentences Containing Order
Sentences Containing Request
Sentences Containing Advice
Sentences Containing Suggestion

Rules to Change Active Voice to Passive Voice

Sentence Containing Rule of making Imperative Sentence - Active Voice Rule of converting Imperative Sentence - Active Voice to Passive Voice
Command Verb (Ist Form) + Object + (.) Let + Convert Object to Subject + Be + Verb (3rd form)
Order Verb (Ist Form) + Object + (.) You are ordered to + Verb (Ist form) + Object
Request Verb (Ist Form) + Object + (.) You are requested to + Verb (Ist form) + Object
Advice Verb (Ist Form) + Object + (.) You are advised to + Verb (Ist form) + Object
Suggestion Verb (Ist Form) + Object + (.) Convert Object to Subject + Should + Be + Verb (3rd form)

वाक्य की अभिव्यक्ति को पहचानें और उस अभिव्यक्ति के अनुसार, ऊपर वर्णित नियम लागू करें। सामान्य Active-Passive नियमों के अनुसार, क्रिया की थर्ड फॉर्म तब नहीं लगती है, जब क्रिया से पहले Infinitive 'to' आए (उपरोक्त नियमों में आदेश, अनुरोध और सलाह के नियम देखें) 

Identify the expression of the sentence and according to that expression, apply the Rules stated above. According to the usual Active-Passive rules, the third form of the verb does not apply when the Infinitive 'to' precedes the verb (see Rules of Order, Request and Advice in the above rules).

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