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Passive Voice of W-Family Sentence

W-Family के शब्द (Who, Whom, What, Which, When, Why, Where, आदी सभी प्रकार के वाक्यो में प्रयोग होते है और सामान्यतः यह वाक्य ( दोनो Active और Passive वाक्य के शुरू में लगते है और इसके बाद सहायक क्रिया प्रश्नात्मक वाक्यो में प्रयुक्त होती है। हमने सभी प्रकार के Tense के नॉर्मल वाक्यो को Passive Voice में बदलना सीख लिया है। बेसिक रूल W-family वाले वाक्यो के लिये वही रहता है।

W-family words (Who, Whom, What, Which, When, Why, Where, etc) are used in all types of sentences and normally it comes in the beginning of both (Active & Passive Voice Sentences) and followed by Helping Verbs of the Tense in interrogative sentences. We have learned changing normal Active Voice sentences to Passive Voice sentence of all types of Tenses. Basic rules will remain same for the sentences of W-family words.

Rule-Steps of changing Passive Voice of W-family sentence

Step-1 W- family वाक्य लिखें। Write the W-Family sentence.
Step-2 W- family शब्द को हटाने के बाद वाक्य लिखें। Write the sentence after removing the W-family word.
Step-3 उपरोक्त वाक्य के टेन्स को पहचानें। Identify the Tense of the above Sentence
Step-4 ऊपर दिए गए Tense को Passive Voice बनाने का नियम लिखिए। Write down the Rule of making the above Tense to Passive Voice
Step-5 W- family शब्द वाक्य के शुरू में आता है। 'W- family शब्द' के स्थान पर 'XXX' लिखें और उपर्युक्त नियम के अनुसार एक सामान्य वाक्य की तरह पॅसिव वाय्स बनाएं। W-family word' comes in the beginning of a sentence. Write 'XXX' in place of 'W-family word' and make Passive Voice as a normal sentence as per above-mentioned Rule.
Step-6 अब 'XXX' को हटा दें और 'W- family शब्द' लिखें। Now remove 'XXX' and write the 'W-family word'.
Step-7 शब्द 'Who' को 'By Whom' द्वारा बदला जाता है और शब्द 'Whom' को 'Who' से बदला जाता है। The Word 'Who' is replaced by 'By Whom' and 'Whom' is replaced with 'Who'.

Let's take examples:

Step-1 Write the W-Family sentence. What are you writing?
Step-2 Write the sentence after removing the W-family word. Are you writing?
Step-3 Identify the Tense of the above Sentence Present Continuous Tense - Interrogative
Step-4 Write down the Rule of making the above Tense to Passive Voice Is/Are/Am + Convert Object to Subject + Being + Verb (3rd form) + By + Convert Subject to Object + Remaining + (?)
Step-5 W-family word' comes in the beginning of a sentence. Write 'XXX' in place of 'W-family word' to make Passive Voice as a normal sentence as per above-mentioned Rule. 'XXX' is being written by you?
Step-6 Now remove 'XXX' and write the 'W-family word'. What is being written by you?

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