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अंग्रेज़ी सीखने का शॉर्ट कोर्स - लेसन-42

Direct-Indirect Speech

Direct-Indirect - Rules

Rule-11 Reported speech के Pronoun का परिवर्तन Indirect speech बनाते समय Reported speech के Pronoun में परिवर्तन करते समय निम्न बिंदुओं को ध्यान में रखें:

c) Reported Speech के Pronoun को जिस रूल से बदला जाता है वह SON के नाम से भी जाना जाता है. SON का रूल:

i) Reported Speech का Pronoun यदि First Person है तो वह Reporting verb के सब्जेक्ट के पर्सन के अनुसार बदलता है।
ii) Reported Speech का Pronoun यदि Second Person है तो वह Reporting verb के ऑब्जेक्ट के पर्सन के अनुसार बदलता है।
iii)Reported Speech का Pronoun यदि Third Person है तो उसके पर्सन में कोई परिवर्तन नही होता।

SON के रूल का टेबल:

If Pronoun of Reporting Speech is of... SON The Pronoun will change as per Reporting Verb's...
Ist Person S Subject
2nd Person O Object
3rd Person N No change

Direct Speech या Direct Narration को Indirect Speech या Indirect Narration में बनाना आगे सीखेंगे। केवल Reported Speech के pronoun कैसे बदलते हैं वह निम्न उदाहरण से समझते हैं:

you said to him, "I am giving my notes to you and her. You can understand yourself and copy it in your handwriting."

इस उदाहरण मैं Reporting Verb (RV) का सब्जेक्ट 'You - 2nd Person' है और ऑब्जेक्ट 'him - 3rd पर्सन' है। Reported Speech के pronouns में परिवर्तन के लिए निम्न टेबल को ध्यान से पढ़ें:

Pronoun in Reported Speech Person of the Pronoun Case of the Pronoun
- It does not change
Change as per Reporting Verb's... Changed Pronoun word
I 1st Person Nominative Subject - It is 2nd Person You
my 1st Person Possessive Subject - It is 2nd Person Your
you 2nd Person Objective Object - It is 3rd Person Him
her 3rd Person Objective No Change in Person Her
You 2nd Person Nominative Object - It is 3rd Person He
yourself 2nd Person Reflexive Object - It is 3rd Person Himself
your 2nd Person Possessive Object - It is 3rd Person His

उपरोक्त उदाहरण का अप्रत्यक्ष कथन / Indirect speech / Indirect narration :

You told him that you were giving your notes to him and her and further added that he could understand himself and copy it in his handwriting.

SON रूल को समझते हुए उपरोक्त Reporting Speech के वाक्य को अलग Reporting Verb के सब्जेक्ट और ऑब्जेक्ट के अनुसार Pronouns को बदलने का अभ्यास करें:

Direct Speech:
I said to you, "I am giving my notes to you and her. You can understand yourself and copy it in your handwriting."
She said to me, "I am giving my notes to you and her. You can understand yourself and copy it in your handwriting."

Indirect Speech :
I told you that I was giving my notes to you and her and further added that you could understand yourself and copy it in your handwriting.
She told me that she was giving her notes to me and her and further added that I could understand myself and copy it in my handwriting.

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